Feb 12, 2011

The Things In My Mind

Morning...It's been an hour since I woke up from bed. The air felt a little balmy and I guess it's going to be a good day to do your laundry. If you have them piling up that is...But that is not the point why I'm blabbering here. The thing is, I got a few blackened bananas in the fridge...and I'm wondering what I should use them up for. 

I have a few choices though. Make some pancakes for example since we haven't had any breakfast yet. Or use them in muffins? Hmm...not too bad. Been awhile since I make the last muffins anyway. Or maybe, I could turn it into banana loaf cake. That's sound promising too isn't it.

What will it be then? Gotta find out in the next post.


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